Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just a quickie

  The baby is napping, and I just got hunter set up with a little bit of video games, so I am going to enjoy my starbucks that I bought 3 hours ago and have not touched. Upside down Carmel macchiato, I got toffee nut substituted for the vanilla, and its iced. Just in case you were curious.

    I have been so busy lately, We got fully recovered from parvo and roseola from one of my last blogs, Hunter and johnny both get the "flu" again,  and then I pick hunter up from school on a Friday, after he was 48 flu/fever free, and I'm thinking to myself "Is that a heat rash on the back of his neck?" and then  *BAM* Hello, measles x4. I will leave that for a different blog.

My boys take up the majority of my time. Between all the responsibilities of life, I am trying to open my etsy shop. I have completed a lot of diapers, menstrual pads, nursing pads, wipes, Hot/cold breast wraps,  overnight/day pull up trainers, soakers, inserts, and my list keeps expanding. I am very excited to have natural products and to have them be made with organic fabrics. People always ask why I use organics, and it is because johnny had a pretty bad sensitivity to polyester fleece, and most of his cloth diapers were made with polyester. So we switched to diapers called "Posh Pumpkins", and then continued to make my own.

I keep thinking about making Genital integrity awareness necklaces, as well as a couple other hemp necklaces with pendants. I have matching dress/diaper ideas, different kinds of soaps, essential oil mixes, butt cream, chap stick, wipe solution, pail freshener, dryer balls, etc. All things that I have made in the past, well not the awareness necklaces, but everything else.   I will slowly be adding all of those items, and more, as time goes.

I am really excited about opening my etsy, it is long overdue. I really *need* an income. The jobs here in my area are slim to none, and there are no hours at Justin's shop.  I needed a full time job, like last month, so I hope this is a way to keep my home with my boys, while I can pay some bills. So seriously, I'm giving all of you who have bought a diaper from me a big eHug, you're helping big time. We have been talking about moving from our area. Its very small and there are only so many jobs. Bigger city = Bigger rent...I live in California. But, bigger cities have MORE jobs, MORE cars for Justin to work on, etc. Its just a big step.  We love our area, its beautiful ( North, San luis obispo county), but I doubt we will settle down here. I don't want to have to move school-aged boys, but life is life.

We can be that family who lives in a streamline and travels the world : )

I need to get off the computer and actually take pictures of my stuff so I can post it on etsy. I just wanted to write for a bit.

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